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Bovlabs part of a new EU project focused on Demande Side Flexibility Services
The EU project RESONANCE is developing an innovative software framework that provides means for rapid development and plug-and-play deployment of standard-compliant solutions for demand-side flexibility management across various sectors. Pilot sites in six European countries will test and replicate the solutions.
Bovlabs will lead the pilot in France.

Bovlabs wins a new Horizon 2020 project in tough competition!
The PROBONO project (The Integrator-centric approach for realising innovative energy efficient buildings in connected sustainable green neighbourhoods) was selected among 115 project proposals for the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme call LC-GD-4-1-2020: Building and renovating in an energy and resource efficient way. Now the project is officially started!
9 Emerging Technologies in Utilities of the Future to Keep an Eye On
Similarly, Bovlabs has created a system that uses edge computing to optimize every charging cycle. Cars are parked 95% of the time so there is a lot of room for optimization. Their first project was deployed with SNCF train stations (one of the largest train stations in the world). Imagining charging your car at the train station, while you take the train work. You are offered to park free, in exchange for telling the system when you plan on returning. With that info, Bovlabs starts to optimize and track down the best possible profile to charge that car.
San Francisco, USA. 18/05/2020
Rome,Italy. 29/01/2020
Terna SPA selected Bovlabs for next stage of Call for Growth
Bovlabs, Enerbrain Phononic Vibes, and are the TROIA d.o.o. advanced Tera SRL startup "TRL" (technology readiness level), which move to the phase engage of the CallforGrowth with Terna SPA. Among the areas of greatest interest for Terna was IoT full, Energytech, AdvancedMaterials, Sustainability, Storage and DataAnalytics. The jury has chosen the most innovative projects to be developed in a path of collaboration in TernaInnovationHub those present in the territory.

Les Echos. 12/12/2019
Med'Innovant met les start-up en compétition pour repenser la ville
A Marseille, le système « vehicle-to-grid », baptisé « Etoile Euromed », sera une station d'autopartage équipée de bornes de charge bidirectionnelles, permettant de charger et décharger les batteries en utilisant de l'énergie renouvelable produite à proximité. « L'infrastructure va contribuer à réduire la facture énergétique de Smartseille et augmenter l'autoconsommation solaire »

La Provence. Marseille : Med'Innovant co-invente la ville de demain.
Mardi 26/11/2019
Marseille: Med'Innovat co-invente la ville de demain
Pour sa 8e édition, le concours Med'Innovant - 60 candidatures déposées cette année - a récompensé trois start-up hors du commun.
Bovlabs développe é-toile Euromed, une station d'autopartage de véhicules équipée de bornes de charge bidirectionnelles permettant de charger et décharger les batteries en utilisant de l'énergie renouvelable produite à proximité.
Few people know how to manage their electricity consumption and the energy they generate, but with the increasing flexibility of the energy market, there are more solutions to choose where does the electricity you consume comes from and where to ingest the energy you produce
Bovlabs has created a peer to peer energy marketplace, allowing electricity consumers and producers to exchange using blockchain technology. A mobile phone app allows users to easily track the transactions. The startup has been boosted in The Camp’s incubator.
Euronews. 5/7/2019

9 sustainable economy startups aiming to clean up our future
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